My Mind Thinks Things #1
My mind thinks things. I have questions. Why are people the way they are? Why do we do these weird things? Why are stomach cut-outs fashionable? Here are a few things my mind has been thinking, back to school style.
1. What is the deal with pencil sharpeners? I have bought 3 electric pencil sharpeners and all have gotten jammed so badly that they have had to be thrown away. Handheld sharpeners are worse. This year, my daughter opened her brand new pencil sharpener the day before school to sharpen her pencils. The sharpener broke on the third pencil. I need a manual - Pencil Sharpening for Dummies.
2. Speaking of sharpeners - the quality of pencils has gone down. What is with this weak-ass lead snapping all over my kids schoolwork?
3. I wish Trapper Keepers were still a thing.
4. Every year I mean to create actual labels to label my kids stuff. But, instead there I am the night before school starts writing on everything with a sharpie marker wishing I had made those labels. School supplies repel sharpie marker marks. It's like they're just looking at me saying, ugh you terrible mother! You should have made the labels! Get this sharpie marker off my brand-new facade, you ratchit bitch!
5. I get as nervous for school starting for my kids as I did when I was a student. And this causes my kids to feel my nervousness, which makes them more nervous. It's a spiral.
For those in the season - happiest back-to-school days to you.
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