What Am I Doing Here - Question and Statement
Long ago, I had a blog. I’ve always loved to write, and my blog was a fun outlet for that creative need. But then blogs got weird and more mainstream than I prefer, so I quit. What did not quit is my desire to write. Writing things that only the author can read and laugh about is not as fun as giving a writing to the world to read and laugh about.
A few months ago, my mother passed away unexpectedly, which is NOT a story I am ready to discuss. I am just now able to say that it happened. I spent two weeks sitting in a hospital with my mother knowing what was happening but not really wanting to know what was happening. I brought a journal every day and wrote. I wrote a lot. I wrote a little bit about what was happening but mostly I wrote about other things to distract myself from what was happening. Being able to write for long stretches of time felt good for my soul in a time that was otherwise extremely dark.
Once I started writing again, I knew immediately how much I had missed it in my life. Furthermore, I realized I needed writing. Writing and telling stories is a part of me. My apologies to people who know me personally because I cannot stop myself from telling stories.
Here we are. A new blog. A new blog at a time when blogs are a relic of the past. I could not love my timing more and I do have a lot to say.
My plan is such: I will write, and you can read or not as is your pleasure. I will be telling stories only. I will post one story a week on Fridays. Most of my stories are awkward, as I myself am awkward, and so you are welcome for the laughs at my social ineptness. Sometimes the stories will be sad and for that I am sorry! Other times the stories will be less stories and more thoughts. I may say things you disagree with and that is good. Disagreement keeps things interesting. You can even disagree to my face (if you know me) but because I am an awkward person, that interaction will be weird for everyone involved. These are my rules. Welcome and you are welcome.
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